
About DEEC

Virtual Austrian Hackathon 8th to 10th of May 2023

Mon, 2023-04-17 09:00 - Wed, 2023-05-10 23:59
Tipo(s) de Evento: 
Nome do Contacto: 
Joao Sarraipa
Email do Contacto: 
Local do Evento: 
Localização específica: 
virtual-participação através da plataforma Teams

The ZDMP (Zero-Defect Manufacturing Platform) is a project funded from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 825631. It was launched in January 2019 by the 30 sponsoring organizations, including ICEI, UNINOVA, FIDIA, Ford, Consugal, and Continental. Its mission is to develop and establish a digital platform for connected smart factories for achieving excellence in manufacturing through zero-defect processes and products thanks to the use of zero-defect core services for developing ZDMP Applications (zApps). For more info, visit www.zdmp.eu or contact info@zdmp.eu. The ZDMP Hackathon is an event organized by PROF, Ascora and ITI within the ZDMP project, for participating people to test and develop industrial applications with open source tools, using real industry 4.0 data. The tools include industrial machinery data acquisition systems, applications for data transformation and monitoring, alarm systems, analytics and predictive systems, and visualization dashboards. The exercises will be guided by mentors and do not require extensive knowledge of data science or code development, although some initial knowledge in these fields will be very helpful! Why sign up?  Work with open source tools used today in real industrial environments  Form your team of two to four (max.) people and give free rein to your imagination developing applications that solve problems in current industrial environments  It is a showcase to get a job in the organizing companies, and if you get one of the first positions, something to show off on your CV  You only need to be a university student, be studying a master's degree, or be a doctoral student.  The event is all virtual and organized via teams. You must use your own computer and basic programming knowledge is recommended (but not necessary).  Virtual Austrian Hackathon is limited to a participation of 10 Teams And don't forget our prizes!  First prize: € 1,000  Second prize: € 750  Third prize: € 500 Application's should be done via Email until the 28th of April 2023 at noon to: daniela.kirchberger@profactor.at (in English)