The mission of CTS is to carry out fundamental and applied research, advanced training, dissemination of knowledge and encouragement of technology transfer in the main areas of Electrical and Computer Engineering (EEC).
This partnership helps prepare the new generation of Integrated Circuit designers in Portugal.
Licenciatura (Bachelor) in Communications and Information Engineering (LECI)
Electrical and Computer Engineering Day - Engineering that Creates the Future.
The mission of CTS is to carry out fundamental and applied research, advanced training, dissemination of knowledge and encouragement of technology transfer in the main areas of Electrical and Computer Engineering (EEC).
NOVA-IT is a branch of the research center Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT) <> at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (DEEC) of NOVA-FCT <>. The mission of NOVA-IT is to promote and disseminate research and innovation in different fields of Telecommunications (wireless systems, networks and services, and information and data sciences). These areas form the core subjects of the teaching offer of the Department in Telecommunications.
NOVA-IT aims to foster and promote an environment for academic and professional growth, encouraging collaboration among students, faculty, and industry partners.
The Department of Electrotechnical and Computer Engineering (DEEC) is a teaching and research unit of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (FCT NOVA), dedicated to progress, research, teaching quality and provision of services to the community specialized in the field of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
DEEC / FCT / UNL was created in 1993 to promote teaching and scientific research in the fields of Electrical Engineering. In the academic year 1993/1994 a Degree in Electrical Engineering (LEE) was created.
Currently, DEEC has a majority share and, consequently, the responsibility of teaching a Master in Integrated Electrical and Computer Engineering - MIEEC, a Master in Renewable Energy Engineering - MEER (2nd Cycle - Bologna Process) and a Doctoral Program in Electrical and Computer Engineering - PDEEC (3rd Cycle - Bologna Process).
DEEC is made up of 49 professors.