O Departamento de Engenharia Eletrotécnica vai receber a visita da Dra. Joanna Kwiecien da AGH University, Cracóvia, Polónia, que incluirá a apresentação de um seminário sobre técnicas de optimização inspiradas na natureza.
Date: 31 October 2018 – 14:30
Location: Anfiteatro- ed. Uninova
Title: Swarm Algorithms – mechanisms and challenges.
Abstract: The natural adaptation of species and animals to the environment, and their ability to perform complex tasks have become the basis of various optimization methods, e.g. particle swarm optimization, bees algorithm, firefly algorithm or cockroach swarm optimization algorithm. These algorithms are treated as promising tools for many applications preventing the agents being stuck in their local optimum. One of the challenges is the appropriate design and implementation of their all procedures. The characteristic parameters of solutions, the settings of control parameters, and the type of movement mechanisms affect the quality of the algorithm.
During the seminar, different characteristics and properties of various stochastic swarm algorithms and their adaptation to solve selected discrete optimization problems will be presented.
Biography: Joanna Kwiecień (PhD) currently holds the post of senior lecturer in the Department of Automatics and Robotics at AGH University of Science and Technology. She is the author or co-author of over 40 publications and has been engaged in several research projects. Her main research interests are focused on computational intelligence, operational research and modeling discrete optimisation problems.